
Concepts of triple C's

                         Hello friends ! Here I would like to share some basic ideas of triple C's e.g CONSTITUTION, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW,CONSTITUTIONALISM which may be very helpful for every law student and other students as well . WHAT IS A CONSTITUTION?  # CONSTITUTION is a fundamental and dynamic document having a legal sanctity which sets out the framework and the principal functions of the organs of the state and provides power to them .  Here state means country . WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ?  # The CONSTITUTIONAL LAW means the rule which regulates the structure of the principal organs of the state and their relationship to one another , and determine their principal functions.  Here Rule means and includes legal + customs+conventions etc . What is CONSTITUTIONALISM ?   # Constitutionalism means limited government or limitation on the government . Constitutionalism is the antithesis of ...

How to prepare for Judicial examinations with smart strategy.

Hello Everyone! In this blog, I will share the conceptual points regarding how to start the preparation for judicial services exams with some amazing tricks. This article should provide the required information to begin your preparation for becoming a judge. Identification of states in which you are intending to give a judicial exam!  You can prepare for 3 or 4 states Judiciary exams of your choice at the same time but not more than that. The strategy should be to i Pair1: Uttar Pradesh  and Uttarakhand Pair2: Bihar and Jharkhand Pair3: Delhi and Haryana  Pair4: Rajasthan and MP etc This way you can focus on any 2 pairs and be ready to cover 4 states! Tips for PRE:  As we all know that the syllabus plays an important role to clear any exam or for selection in any exam so the same thing also applies here!  You should identify the syllabus of the respective judicial services exam in which you are intending to get...

The Preamble of the Constitution of India

                                   Hello Everyone! In this blog I will share the conceptual points regarding preamble of the constitution of India: Introduction What is the preamble of the constitution of India? Importance of the preamble of the constitution and its purposes What are the main objectives enshrined in the preamble? Is the preamble part of the constitution? Can preamble be amended by parliament of India under art 368? Keywords of the preamble Conclusion! 1. Introduction The preamble is a key to open the mind of the makers and shows the general purpose for which they made the several provisions in the constitution. The Ideas behind the PREAMBLE to India's Constitution were laid down by Jawahar Lal Nehru's "Objective Resolution" adopted by the constituent assembly on January 22, 1947. 2. What is the preamble of the constitution of India? The preamble to an act or d...