
Showing posts with the label Judiciary preparation tips

How to prepare for Judicial examinations with smart strategy.

Hello Everyone! In this blog, I will share the conceptual points regarding how to start the preparation for judicial services exams with some amazing tricks. This article should provide the required information to begin your preparation for becoming a judge. Identification of states in which you are intending to give a judicial exam!  You can prepare for 3 or 4 states Judiciary exams of your choice at the same time but not more than that. The strategy should be to i Pair1: Uttar Pradesh  and Uttarakhand Pair2: Bihar and Jharkhand Pair3: Delhi and Haryana  Pair4: Rajasthan and MP etc This way you can focus on any 2 pairs and be ready to cover 4 states! Tips for PRE:  As we all know that the syllabus plays an important role to clear any exam or for selection in any exam so the same thing also applies here!  You should identify the syllabus of the respective judicial services exam in which you are intending to get...